Olive & Coop -

Living Better Together

Whether you are a senior homeowner looking for someone to help you with household chores or a renter looking for affordable living options, Olive & Coop has you covered! Our innovative house-sharing platform benefits both sides by offering lower rents, better living solutions and a stronger sense of community.

About Olive & Coop

Olive and Coop -

Smart Living Arrangements

At Olive & Coop, we know aging alone can be a challenge. Based on our experience caring for our own parents, we created a novel house-sharing solution that connects older homeowners who want to age safely with conscientious renters willing to help around the home in exchange for lower rent. The benefits of Olive & Coop include assistance with household chores/tasks, additional monthly income, increased safety and social interaction. In addition, conscientious home sharers find more affordable living solutions. It is a practical and financially-wise living arrangement that enriches the lives of both homeowners and home sharers.

How Does It Work?


Are you a senior homeowner who enjoys living in your own home but would like more help around the house?

Do you feel isolated or lonely living alone?

Maybe you need help with the laundry or vacuuming the floors, driving to get groceries, doing yard work, replacing light bulbs, or someone to talk to? At Olive & Coop, we understand the challenges of living alone as we grow older. As a result, we created a service to help connect you with a renter who can share in household tasks, provide social connection and bring in extra monthly income. Our mission is to help you live comfortably at home for as long as possible.

This is how Olive & Coop works:

  • Click the Sign Up link below to create an account.

  • Confirm your email address.

  • Click the Post a new listing button and follow the prompts to enter the details about your home, including pictures of the room for rent. If you need an example, take a look at some other listings

  • To create your Profile, click on the round button with your initials (next to Post new listing button). Add your picture and tell us about yourself and your preferences.

  • Respond to messages from potential home sharers.

  • Consider including your adult children or a trusted family member/friend in this process.

  • Sign a home sharing agreement.

  • Pay $150 connection fee (taken out of 1st month's rent).

  • Need help with this process? Contact our team at (509-255-3620) for help.

Home Sharers

Are you a conscientious person looking for reduced rent in exchange for helping the homeowner with household tasks? If so, Olive & Coop is the platform for you!

  • Register.

  • Create a profile showcasing your unique qualities and preferences.

  • Connect with possible homeowners.

  • Talk to the ones that seem the best fit.

  • Make a decision.

  • Complete a home sharing application.

  • Sign a home sharing agreement.

  • Pay one-time $75 fee to Olive & Coop (taken out of 1st month's rent).


We created Olive & Coop to provide a living arrangement that benefits both you and the home sharer. Our goal is to help create the opportunity for you to age at home longer. From your side, you offer lower rent in exchange for work in or around the home. These are some of the recommended steps you should take in the process:

  • Decide what you are looking for in a home sharer and what kind of help you need around your home.
  • Be as clear as possible up front about your preferences and expectations - talk to potential home sharers about quiet hours, sleep habits, work hours, your policy on guests in the home, what amenities the renter can use, storage space, level of cleanliness, parking, rental payment options, flexible lease terms, internet use, etc.
  • Meet your potential tenant for the first time in a public place.
  • Request a criminal background check and two or three references.
  • Obtain a credit report.
  • Consider checking social media accounts to learn more about them.
  • Notify your bank that you have a new renter and that only checks with your signature can be valid. Let them know to contact you if they notice any unusual banking activity.

Home Sharers

Olive & Coop is an innovative platform that offers renters lower rent in exchange for work in or around the home. We connect senior homeowners with conscientious renters to provide a better living solution for both sides. Here are some tips to help you find the best homeowners for you:

  • Think about what the ideal living situation would look like to you and get as many things as straightforward as possible upfront.
  • Consider location, rental payment options, flexible lease options, the hours you keep, sleep habits, work hours, homeowner’s guest policy, parking, storage for your things, internet usage, utilities, level of cleanliness, etc.
  • When meeting a homeowner, ensure to highlight the personal and work qualities that will make you a desirable renter.
  • It is a good idea to obtain your own criminal background check and 2-3 references before meeting a potential homeowner. Criminal background checks are inexpensive (around $25.00) and reassure the homeowner that you are who you say you are. ClearChecks is one example of a company that provides background checks.
  • Homeowners may also request a credit report, so be ready to provide it.
  • You can check out the potential homeowner through quick and anonymous searches on Google or social media accounts.

Features & Benefits of Olive & Coop

Companionship &

Enhanced Well-Being

Living with others helps combat feelings of loneliness and isolation and can lead to meaningful connections, a sense of community, and enhanced well-being.


& Security

Olive & Coop’s innovative living solution creates an added layer of security because your home sharer can help in emergencies or accidents.

Help With Chores &

Affordable Rent

The home sharer helps the homeowner with designated chores and responsibilities, making daily life more manageable. In exchange, the homeowner offers the home sharer lower rent.

Financial Relief

Sharing a home can significantly reduce expenses for both sides, allowing homeowners to maintain their independence and autonomy and providing home sharers a fairer rent.


At Olive & Coop, home sharing arrangements can be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the homeowners, keeping in mind the best interests of both sides.

Contact Us

Have Questions? Let us know how we can help!

Feel free to Contact Us

509 255-3620

In The News

The Latest Olive & Coop Headlines

Logo, The Seattle Times

The Seattle Times profiles Olive & Coop, its founders, and their mission to bring mutually beneficial housing to seniors and renters.

Olive and Coop Founders with Happy Users

Image Credit, August Frank / Lewiston Tribune